Pirates, vikings, cellphones, among others, were the elements that inspired groups of Pichilemu people to create their carnival floats. We took some photos as they passed by Aníbal Pinto street, and present you some.
«Marea Juggling» of La Ola Cultural group.«Marea Juggling» of La Ola Cultural group.The public watched the carnival floats as they passed by the Pichilemu center.The municipality float.«Hippie-land» brought memories of 1960s bands.The unavoidable kombi, of «Hippie-land».A vikings float, by the San Agustín language school.The «ugly king» (rey feo), Sergio Becerra, from the San Agustín language school.From the vikings float, of San Agustín language schoolThe train of David González’s academy.A newspaper seller boy and another holding a chicken, pose for a photo, in the train float of David González’s academy. Un niño suplementero, y otro con una gallina, posan para una foto, del tren de la Academia de David González.This carnival float was dubbed «http://atrapa2xlatecnologia.com».«http://atrapa2xlatecnologia.com»«Jacinto Man» of the Pichilemu firefigthers.